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Future Interaction TV Demo Video

We have been definitely pioneering interactive digital TV! At the Dept. of Signal Processing/Digital Media Institute at Tampere Univ. of Technology we really broke ground by developing the first platforms and services for interactive digital TV.
- Collaborators: Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), Helsinki Univ. of Technology (HUT), and Tampere University (UTA)
- Industry Partners: YLE, Elisa, Sonera, Tieto, … and funded by Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes)
- Team Members: Teemu Lukkarinen, Jukka-Pekka Pispanen, Jukka Rakkola, Olli Ström, Arttu Heinonen, Florina Tico, Artur Lugmayr, Stephane Palomba, Perttu Rautavirta, Mikko Oksanen, Jens Spieker, Mathew Anurag Mailaparampil
- Active: 1999-2003
- Press:
- Invited Article: DigiTV: Interagieren mit Inhalt. ORF.
- Key Publications:
- Artur Lugmayr, Samuli Niiranen, Seppo Kalli. Metadata in digiTV. Book. Springer Verlag, New York, 2004,