
Student Works (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and PhD): Perceptive Informatics – Visualisation, Interactive Media, User-Experience

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Student Works (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and PhD): Perceptive Informatics – Visualisation, Interactive Media, User-Experience
Author: System Administrator – Published 2016-08-19 14:10 – ( Reads)

I am actively searching for students interested in several aspects of visualization and interactive media on undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate level. As I am in favor for cross-disciplinary work, I am searching for students with any background: computer science, humanities, business, human-computer interaction, or design. The most important is a drive to gain more understanding in perceptive informatics: visualization, interaction, human perception and content creation from a business, technical, and human perspective.
Perceptive and interactive computation deals with computational methods of understanding the human mind, and how today’s technology supports humans in understanding and interacting in their daily lives through computational interfaces. Visualization, thus the process of representing information and data graphically and interacting with these representations is the foundation for human understanding. Within the scope of this project, you can choose a different perspective and focus on perceptive and interactive computation, such as exploring visualization and computer vision techniques, investigation of human centered aspects such as user experience, smart service designs in intelligent environments or exploration of artificial intelligence methods to design intelligent systems. The aim is to apply these technologies in particular application domains such as e.g. financial industries, sports analysis, intelligent environments, human behavior modeling, media and entertainment industries, or Big Data applications.

This project is a broad call for students with interest in the fascinating domain of visualization, computer vision, human-computer interaction, understanding the human mind, and user-experience. There are many pathways through the research project, which emphasize different aspects of perceptive computation ranging from simple virtual reality and augmented reality up to sophisticating interactive graphics in interactive Big Data visualizations and the development of smart interaction designs. The application areas for perceptive computation are broad, and range from arts & entertainment, computational biology, health care, financial and business services, sports, and medicine.
A few exemplary research directions include:
Big Data, information, and knowledge visualization;
Visualization and interactive visualization across industries;
Intelligent Big Data analysis and visualization;
Analysis and handling of biofeedback data;
Understanding of human perception and cognition;
Intelligent user-interfaces, and personalization;·
Scientific visualization across domains;
Human behavior recognition and modeling;
User-Experience and interaction design;
This rather general calls shall address students with interest in the fascinating domain of visualization, human experience studies, and latest visualization equipment. Students will be provided with the latest technologies, as e.g. the Curtin’s Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch (HIVE), 3D virtual and augmented glasses, brain-interfaces, eye trackers, or biofeedback sensors to conduct their research.