
The UX-MACHINE: Emotion Sensor Data Analysis Plattform

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Gathering and interpreting usability data from distributed sensor networks is a rather challenging task. The tool is capable for recording, archiving, analysing, and interpreting sensor data from User eXperience (UX) experiments and is freely available to the community. Take your smart city, urban informatics, smart living, audience research project to the next level with The UX-Machine.

  • Curtin Commercial Award Winner, Humanities Price, 2017: UX-Machine to Analyse Human Emotions
  • Software & Algorithm Development: Artur Lugmayr
  • Authors: Artur Lugmayr, Stuart Bender
  • Publications:
    • Lugmayr, A. & Bender, S., 2016a. Free UX Testing Tool: The LudoVico UX Machine for Physiological Sensor Data Recording, Analysis, and Visualization for User Experience Design Experiments. In Proceedings of the SEACHI 2016 on Smart Cities for Better Living with HCI and UX. SEACHI 2016. San Jose, CA, USA: ACM, pp. 36–41. Available at: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2898365.2899801.
    • Artur Lugmayr, Adam Grenfeld, and Danjing Joy Zhang, “Selected Advanced Data Visualizations: ‘The UX-Machine’, Cultural Visualisation, Cognitive Big Data, and Communication of Health and Wellness Data,” in Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, WWW ’17 Companion (Perth, Australia: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017), 247–251, https://doi.org/10.1145/3041021.3059213.

Updates & News

The UX Machine – A FREELY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE FOR USABILITY TESTING.Gathering and the interpretation of usability data is a rather challenging task. We implemented a new tool for recording, archiving, and interpreting sensor data from user-experience (UX) experiments. The tool is capable of handling any type of sensor data. The current version of the tool named “The LudoViCo UX Machine”is contributed as freely available tool to the UX community. It shall assist user experience designers in managing their experimental data. The current version is capable of handling medical and biofeedback data, which can be archived, analyzed, and visualized. Future implementations will include generic sensor data via a plug-in concept, and provide data-analysis capability to get deeper insights into gathered data. The tool shall contribute with a new technology to support the interaction design process across applications: smart cities, smart living, smart interaction, urban informatics, health, sustainable living, audience response, or biofeedback.

Data Types

  • Medical Sensor Data: Collection and interpretation of medical sensor data, such as EMC, EMG, breath, pulse, body temperature, body position, and galvinistic skin response.
  • Body Motion Sensor Data: Collection and interpretation of body motion sensor data through multiple sensor attached to a human body.
  • Extendible Platform: A plug-in concept and a light-weight sensor data protocol allows high extendible of the platform, add new sensor types, additional features, new analysis techniques, and new functionality.


  • Plug-in based concept to enable any type of sensors beyond the use as suggested within the scope of this paper;
  • Plug-in based concept for performing data analytics upon retrieved sensor data;
  • Automated discovery and self-configuration of the platform to available Arduinos;
  • Archiving and playback of experiments in form of user-experience experiments (will be implemented in late 2016);
  • Examination of test-data via external tools such as e.g. Matlab or R;
  • Simultaneous control of any number of Arduinos equipped with sensors;
  • General purpose sensor platform for any type of sensors capable of communicating with our software in the predefined protocol;
  • Predefined simple sensor communication protocol and combination for scaling to integrate various sensor platforms;
  • General purpose platform for experiments in other contexts, as e.g. smart cities, smart cars, or wearables;

Contact & Information

The software will be released in mid-2016. Please subscribe to the email list to get further information. If you have any requests for additional functionality, please let us know as well! If you would like to contact the author of the software, please send an email to:

Artur Lugmayr, artur.lugmayr@artur-lugmayr.com
