
1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Meets Virtual and Augmented Worlds (AIVRAR) in conjunction with SIGGRAPH Asia 2017

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The objective of this workshop is to invite scholars and practitioners to discuss synergies between virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The aim is to gather a cross-disciplinary team of experts with a background in computer science, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), psychology/cognitive sciences, culture/communication studies, design and art to develop this fascinating intersection. The aspects to discuss range from user-experience, technologies applications, methods, cultural implications, communication theories, to artistic approaches.

1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Meets Virtual and Augmented Worlds (AIVRAR)
in conjunction with SIGGRAPH Asia 2017

27th – 30 November 2017

BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand


The workshop program stretches over a full-day, and will contain a combination of invited keynote presentations, oral presentations, posters, and demonstrations.

The workshop proceedings will be published in a Scopus indexed proceedings series, and the very best contribution will be published in an edited book from a highly reputable publisher which has been pre-arranged. Depending on the quality and amount of contributions, we are also considering to publish a journal special issue within an indexed publisher.

Submission Topics and Themes

  • Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in VR/AR
  • Emotions and AI in VR, AR, and smart objects
  • Human-Computer-Interaction with AI in virtual worlds
  • Digital games and artificial intelligence
  • How do humans communicate with AI
  • Emotion enriched human-AI collaboration
  • AI in digital games and other application areas
  • User-Experience and interaction with AI
  • Intelligent interaction with robots and physical objects
  • Visualisation of cultural data
  • Affective human-virtual world interaction
  • Design of emotionally intelligent AI
  • Recommender systems and personalisation in VR, AR
  • Information visualisation and AI and ML
  • Communication theory and cognitive science
  • Affective ambient intelligence in mixed realities
  • UX with AI agents or physical robots
  • AI based emotion mediated communication in VR/AR
  • Tools for authoring emotional intelligence in VR/AR
  • Multimodal affective interfaces in VR/AR
  • Human-human emotional communication in VR/AR
  • Cultural robotics

Workshop Programme

The workshop will be organized in a full-day duration as an interactive session, rather than sequential presentations. Group discussions, interactive modalities, and collaboration are the main goal. We will apply Design Thinking for idea generation, and to develop the content for the book, which will result as workshop outcome.

Workshop proceedings: several workshop contributions will be published as part of a Scopus ranked conference proceedings series. The series is entitled Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME) workshop series, and indexed within Scopus and ranked on many national proceedings rankings.

09:30-09:45 OPENINGArtur Lugmayr, Kenning Zhu, Xiaojuan Ma
09:45-10:45 KEYNOTEProf. Yoshifumi Kitamura, Tohoku University, JapanInteractive Content Design
10:45-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 1st PAPER SESSION
*Adaptive Tutoring on a Virtual Reality Driving Simulator
Sandro Ropelato (presenter), ETH Zurich, CH
*Virtual Reality Techniques for Eliciting Empathy and Cultural
Awareness: Affective Human-Virtual World Interaction
Ivonne Chirino-Klevans (presenter), International School of Management, FR
*Interacting with Intelligent Characters in AR
Gokçen Çimen (presenter), ETH Zürich, CH
*Chalktalk VR/AR
Ken Perlin, New York University, US
*Child Safety Training Through Augmented Reality
Artur Lugmayr (presenter), Curtin University, AU
12:00-12:30 Group Discussions and Paper Re-Cap
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00-15:30 2nd PAPER SESSION
*Combining Intelligent Recommendation and Mixed Reality in
Itineraries for Urban Exploration
Giulio Jacucci (presenter), University of Helsinki, FI
*Deep Learning for Classification of Peak Emotions within Virtual
Reality Systems
Denise Quesnel (presenter), School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, CA
*DupRobo: An Interactive Robotic Platform for Physical Block-based
Taizhou Chen, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
*Data Visualisation Methods of Hierarchical Biological Data
Irina Kuznetsova (presenter), Andreas Holzinger, Holzinger Group, Medical University Graz, AT
*Toward Emergent Play in Mixed Reality
Patrick Misteli, ETH Zurich, CH
15:00-15:30 Group Discussions and Paper Re-Cap
15:30-16:00 BREAK
17:45-18:00 CLOSING & WRAP UP
DEMOS & OTHER WORKS AI, You’re Fired! Artwork
Aleksandra Vasovic, Independent Artist, RS


DupRobo: An Interactive Robotic Platform for Phyiscal Block-based Autocompletion (ID 13)

Taizhou Chen, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Yi-Shiun Wu, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Feng Han, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Baochuan Yue, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Arshad Nasser, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Kening Zhu, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, HK)

AI, You’re Fired! Artwork (ID 15)

Aleksandra Vasovic, Independent Artist, RU

Virtual Reality Techniques for Eliciting Empathy and Cultural Awareness: Affective Human-virtual world interaction (ID 16)

Ivonne Chirino-Klevans, International School of Management, Paris, France

Deep Learning for Classification of Peak Emotions within Virtual Reality Systems (ID 17)

Denise Quesnel, School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, CA

Steve DiPaola, School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, CA
Bernhard E Riecke, School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, CA

Adaptive Tutoring on a Virtual Reality Driving Simulator (ID 18)

Sandro Ropelato, ETH Zurich, CH
Fabio Zuend, ETH Zurich, CH
Stephane Magnenat, ETH Zurich , CH
Marino Menozzi, ETH Zurich, CH
Robert W. Sumner, ETH Zurich & Disney Research Zurich , CH

Review of Visualisation Techniques in Bio-Informatics (ID 19)

Irina Kuznetsova, Holzinger Group, HCI-KDD, Medical University Graz, AT
Andreas Holzinger, Holzinger Group, HCI-KDD, Medical University Graz, AT

Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AI meets VR/AR) (ID 20)

Xiaojuan Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University, AU
Kening Zhu, City University of Hong Kong, HK

Combining Intelligent Recommendation and Mixed Reality in Itineraries for Urban Exploration (ID 21)

Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki, FI
Salvatore Andolina, Aalto University, FI
Denis Kalkhofen, Graz University of Technology, AT
Dieter Schmalstieg, Graz University of Technology, AT
Antti Nurminen, Aalto University, FI
Anna Spagnolli, University of Padova, IT

Luciano Gamberini, University of Padova, FI

Tuukka Ruotsalo, University of Helsinki, FI

Chalktalk VR/AR (ID 22)Ken Perlin, New York University, US
Zhenyi He, New York University, US
Fengyuan Zhu, New York University, US

Toward Emergent Play in Mixed Reality (ID 23)

Patrick Misteli, ETH Zurich, CH,
Steven Poulakos, Disney Research Zurich, CH
Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University, US,
Robert W. Sumner, Disney Research Zurich and ETH Zurich, CH

Interacting with Intelligent Characters in AR (ID25)

Gokcen Cimen, ETH Zuerich, CH
Ye Yuan, Carnegie Mellon, US
Rober W. Sumner, Disney Research, CH
Stelian Coros, ETH Zuerich, CH
Martin Guay, Disney Research, CH

  • Online Discussion Forum: Establishment of a common online platform for workshop attendees to exchange ideas and introduce them to each other
  • Author contributions will be shared between participants to foster discussion during the workshop
  • Proceedings published in a Scopus ranked series

Post workshop activities

  • Edited book to be published with CRC Press
  • Journal special issue
  • Workshop participants contribute with a common workshop results book chapter

Edited book published by CRC Press or Springer-Verlag: Several contributions to the workshop will be considered for an edited book to be published by Springer-Verlag or CRC press, within a highly-ranked series. One publisher agreed on publishing the work, and after completing discussions with both, we will be selecting one of them above;

Journal Special Issue: We are also in contact with Journal publishers, to get the best works published. Whereas the journal is not fixed yet, as the theme of the special issue will depend on the actual workshop submissions, we will be able to find an indexed journal for this theme;

Workshop Participants Introduction Book Chapter or Common Journal Article: Several workshop participants will be contributing to one common journal article or edited book chapter. The contribution will act as introduction for the edited book, or act as a white paper laying out the research domain;

The workshop program stretches over a full-day, and will contain a combination of invited keynote presentations, oral presentations, posters, and demonstrations.

Submissions and Important Dates

We are calling for paper submissions of extendedabstracts between 2-5 pages long, following the submission format of SIGGRAPHAsia’s style template. Please choose one of the three submission categories:

  • abstract: 1-2 pages long
  • short paper/demo/poster: 2-4 pages long
  • long papers: 4-6 pages long

Several contributions will be published in a Scopus indexed series with an ISBN number as part of the Semantic Ambient MediaExperience (SAME) workshop series.

The best contributions will be published as partof an edited book or/and a journal special issue. Please note, that only selected high qualitycontributions will be published as part of the edited book. However, during theworkshop a common journal article co-authored between all workshop participantswill be published as an introduction chapter.

References You Should Have Read Before Submitting

The following references should have been read and discussed prior your submissions:

  • Zhu, K., Ma, X., Chen, H., and Liang, M. (2016). Tripartite Effects: Exploring Users’ Mental Model of Mobile Gestures under the Influence of Operation, Handheld Posture, and Interaction Space. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • A. Lugmayr, B. Stockleben, C. Scheib, and M. Mailaparampil, “Cognitive Big Data. Survey and Review on Big Data Research and its Implications: What is Really ‘New’? Cognitive Big Data!,” Journal of Knowledge Management (JMM), vol. 21, no. 1, 2017 Online. Available: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=5855k, Journal of Knowledge Management/Emerald
  • Zhu, F., Fang, K., and Ma, X. (2017). Exploring the Effects of Strategy and Arousal of Cueing in Computer-Human Persuasion. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to appear).
  • A. Lugmayr, A. Greenfeld, A. Woods, and P. Joseph, “Cultural Visualisation of a Cultural Photographic Collection in 3D Environments – Development of ‘PAV 3D’ (Photographic Archive Visualisation),” in Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2016: 15th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2016, Proceedings, G. Wallner, S. Kriglstein, H. Hlavacs, R. Malaka, A. Lugmayr, and H.-S. Yang, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 272–277 Online. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46100-7_29
  • A. Lugmayr, “Emotive Media – Implicit Interaction Through Human Emotions,” in 28th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (OzCHI), 2016 Online. Available: http://www.ozchi.org/2016/
  • Sun, M., Zhao, Z., and Ma, X. (2017). Sensing and Handling Engagement Dynamics in Human-Robot Interaction Involving Peripheral Computing Devices. In Proc. CHI2017 (to appear)
  • Yang, Y., Ma, X., and Fung, P. (2017). Perceived Emotional Intelligence in Virtual Agents. In Proc. CHI2017 EA (to appear).
  • A. Lugmayr, E. Serral, A. Scherp, B. Pogorelc, and M. Mustaquim, “Ambient media today and tomorrow,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 71, 2014, pp. 7–37 Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1346-z.
  • ZHU Kening, ZHU Rongbo, H SAMANI, BB JALAEIAN, PaperIO: a 3D interface towards the internet of embedded paper-craft, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2014

Submission System and Paper Templates

Submission Deadlines

  • 15/08/2017: Deadline for workshop papers SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TILL 31st AUGUST 2017!!!
  • 21/08/2017: Notification of accepted workshop papers BETWEEN 29th and 22nd SEPTEMBER!!!
  • 31/08/2017: Camera ready workshop papers EXTENDED DUE TO THE EXTENSION OF THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE TILL 29th SEPTEMBER 2017!!!
  • 29/09/2017: Registration for the Workshop
  • 27/11/2017: Workshop Day

Post-Workshop Deadlines

  • xx/xx/xx: Deadline for book chapters
  • xx/xx/xx: Review due for book chapters
  • xx/xx/xx: Final book chapters
  • 2018: book published



Artur Lugmayr

Associate Professor, School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts, Curtin University, Australia, artur.lugmayr@artur-lugmayr.com

Artur Lugmayr is A/Prof. at Curtin University, Australia, where he teaches and supervises students in visualization technologies, interactive media, media management, and digital humanities. Artur was Professor for digital media management at the Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), Finland 2009-2014 establishing the Entertainment and Media Management Lab. and the New Ambient Multimedia Lab. 2004-2009. Artur holds a Dr.-Techn. degree (Information Technology, TUT), and is pursuing his Dr.-Arts studies at Aalto Univ., Helsinki, Finland in motion pictures. He was visiting scientist in Singapore, Brisbane, Austria, Ghana; since 2000 raised/involved in 1.7+ MEUR funding (excl. 2014/2015 applications); 170+ publications; 24+ invited keynotes; and 27+ invited guest lectures. More about me on www.artur-lugmayr.com.


Kening Zhu

Assistant Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, keninzhu@cityu.edu.hk

Kening Zhu is currently an assistant professor in the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD from the National University of Singapore. Kening’s research interests cover various topics on human-computer interaction (HCI), including multimodal interface design, user mental model, and rapid prototyping. His research focuses on theoretical analysis and technical toolkit for technology enhanced movable paper craft. He has published his research in various conferences and journals, such as SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH ASIA, CHI, ACE, AmI, IJHCI, etc. He has been serving in the Editorial Board for International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality and Frontiers Journals in Human-Media Interaction (Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in ICT, and Frontiers in Digital Humanities), and the Program Committee for various conferences such as SIGGRAPH Asia and ACM IDC. In 2014, he co-hosted the International Workshop on Designing Tools for Crafting Interactive Artifacts under the Workshop program of SIGGRAPH Asia.


Xiaojuan Ma

Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST), mxj@ust.hk

Xiaojuan Ma am an assistant professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Princeton University. My Advisor was Prof. Perry Cook. She was a post-doctoral researcher at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) with Prof. Jodi Forlizzi, and before that a research fellow with Prof. Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang in the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the Information Systems department. Before joining HKUST, I was a researcher of Human-Computer Interaction at Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei Tech. Investment Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong. Her research interests are Human-Computer Interaction and Affective Computing (inference, analytics and application), including: Affective Human-Robot Interaction: (a) Design emotionally intelligent AI, (b) Develop emotion-enriched Human-AI collaboration; Affective Ubiquitous, Social and Crowd Computing: (c) Conduct user emotion modeling and analytics in ubiquitous/social/crowd computing systems, (d) Explore emotion-mediated social communication, persuasion and recommendation.