

Views: 846
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Very unfortunately, my own homepages is continuously ‘under construction’! However, I plan to update this page with some of my current and past projects:

  • Current
    • TASS
    • Data Storytelling with Australian’s Energy Data
    • University Policy and Career Guides for Future Researchers
    • Serious Storytelling
  • Current
    • Cognitive Big Data
  •  Curtin University
    • PAV
    • Historical Panoramas
    • VR Display UX Testing
    • Film Production
    • Personalization
  • Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT)
    • Media Convergence
    • Interactive Content for Immaterial Displays FogScreen
    • Metadata & MPEG-21 in digital interactive TV
    • ENTHRONE (EU-IST): Metadata
    • Digital Interactive TV Applications
    • Open Source Software Portable Personality (P2)
    • Film production
  • JKU Linz
    • Safety Critical Systems Development (Frequentis)
    • Engel Virtual Machine (Engel)

Current Projects

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Past Projects

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